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Want to help us?
If you want to help us improve our open-source projects and their impact around the world, there are many ways to do it. These are some of them:
As User / Digital Artist
- Install TupiTube Desk and TupiTube App on your computer and mobile devices and make yourself an expert in creating 2D animations.
- Tell your friends about this project. Help us to spread the word from your social networks.
- Make manuals, videos, or any kind of content to support other animators wanting to learn how to use TupiTube Desk and TupiTube App.
- Create and post little animation projects on your website, blog, etc.
- Report the bugs you find in our software.
- Visit our Youtube channel and watch our examples and mini-tutorials.
As Teacher
- Invite your students to download and use Tupi.
- Include 2D animation homework as part of the activities in your classes.
- Encourage your students to create small animations as inspiring examples for other students, other classes, even other schools.
- Write tutorials and invite your students to help you in the process.
- Create animated content to support your classes using Tupi. A lot of teachers are already doing it around the world!
As Developer
- Download TupiTube's source code and study it.
- Help us to write documentation of all the software components of Tupi. Diagrams and visual resources are very handy to introduce other programmers into the project's architecture in a simple and quick way.
- Check our bugs report and help us to fix some of them. Create patches with the fixes and share them with our development team.
- Help us to implement any of the pending features.
Regardless of the role you choose, all your contributions as a member of this community are fundamental for the development and enhancement process of our open-source projects. Welcome to our team! :D
want_to_help_us.txt · Last modified: 2023/10/27 01:37 by maefloresta