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Tweening Tutorial
Traditional animation techniques require that you illustrate every frame of your project. So in example, if you are animating a bouncing ball using 20 frames, you will have to draw the ball 20 times in a different position, one time for every frame, just like we did it in our basic example.
Now, tweening is a software feature that allows you make this process easier and faster for some specific kind of animations by calculating and generating some frames for you between an initial and a final state. In Tupi, there are several types of tweens: position, rotation, scale, shear, opacity and color. These transformations are calculated by the software in every frame following the parameters that you provide, saving you a lot of time.
Once you select the tween you want to use, the general workflow for all them is similar:
- Select a name for the tween you want to create.
- Select the object(s) you want to animate using the tween.
- Set the specific parameters required for the kind of tween you chose.
- Apply the tween.
Some important tips you should count on:
- You need at least one object in the scene to use a tween.
- Only one kind of tween can be applied for every object.
- Once an object is part of a tween, that object can't be edited as a vector path.
The access to the list of tween features is available from the left toolbar at the Animation tab, you just have to click on the Tweening button.
Fig 1. Tweening tools button
Fig 2. Tweening tools menu
Now it's time to make a basic example using each of them:
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