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Mobile App Strings

  1. Border Brush
  2. Fill Brush
  3. Border Color
  4. Fill Color
  5. Background
  6. Transparent Border
  7. Transparent Fill
  8. Alpha:
  9. My Projects
  10. Loading Projects…
  11. Help
  12. About TupiTube
  13. Show this help dialog
  14. Open tools dialog
  15. Back one frame
  16. Add new frame forward
  17. Play animation
  18. Stop animation
  19. Open frame tools
  20. Erase line
  21. Redo line
  22. Change pen color
  23. Change thickness pen
  24. Change pen opacity
  25. Change pen brush pattern
  26. Projects gallery
  27. Post your work
  28. Modify app settings
  29. Show exit options
  30. Undo action
  31. Redo action
  32. Settings
  33. Help
  34. Frame Tools
  35. Eraser
  36. Redo
  37. Colors
  38. Pen Thickness
  39. Previous Frame
  40. Next Frame
  41. Share
  42. Play
  43. Quit
  44. Title:
  45. Gallery is empty for now! ;)
  46. Sorry, project can't be opened :(
  47. Previous project saved & stored! :)
  48. * Removing latest object…
  49. * Restoring removed object…
  50. Animation Tip: Draw at least 2 frames! ;)
  51. My Sketch
  52. Tags:
  53. Description:
  54. Just a little taste of my style :)
  55. My Image
  56. My Animation
  57. #tupitube #2d #drawing
  58. #tupitube #2d #animation
  59. Please, draw something first! ;)
  60. Posting & waiting for share…
  61. Transparency
  62. Brushes
  63. Projects
  64. Sorry! Invalid answer from TupiTube!
  65. Your work is already online! :D
  66. My newest 2D animation is available at #TupiTube! :D
  67. Stop
  68. Wow! TupiTube service is down! :(
  69. Border Properties
  70. Fill Properties
  71. Transparency:
  72. Please confirm…
  73. You are one click away from posting your work.
  74. Want to do it?
  75. Cancel
  76. Posting…
  77. Always ask me before posting
  78. You are ready to post your work.
  79. Always ask me
  80. Quit?
  81. Back to project
  82. Save & start new project
  83. Quit TupiTube
  84. Removing Project…
  85. Are you sure?
  86. General
  87. Canvas
  88. TupiTube Settings
  89. Enable lines auto-smoothness
  90. Confirm action before posting
  91. Always open TupiTube link after posting
  92. Speed (FPS):
  93. Show previous frame in canvas
  94. Show next frame in canvas
  95. Show previous frame
  96. Show next frame
  97. Auto-Smoothness Level:
  98. Auto-Smoothness
  99. Confirm post
  100. Thickness:
  101. Help
  102. Frames
  103. Eraser
  104. Redo
  105. Color
  106. Thickness
  107. Transparency
  108. Brushes
  109. Share
  110. Projects
  111. Settings
  112. Close
  113. Frame Tools
  114. Insert new frame
  115. Clone current frame
  116. Remove current frame
  117. Clear current frame
strings.txt · Last modified: 2017/06/29 12:22 by maefloresta