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Manual de Instalação do TupiTube Desk

[ Pendente de tradução ]


The official repository to download TupiTube's installers is Currently, there are installers available for Windows, Mac and Linux.

Para usuários de Windows

When the installation process starts, you will see a progress bar like this:

Para usuários de Mac OSX

That's it. From now, you could find TupiTube in your Applications folder and start creating your first 2D animation project! :)

Para usuários de Ubuntu Linux

Note: Currently, there are no official Ubuntu installers of Tupi's latest version. MaeFloresta provides a bundle installer easy to use but it is not a .deb package. If you use a Linux distro that is not Debian based, we recommend you to compile TupiTube from the source code using one of our manuals.

Note: You can move TupiTube's installation directory to any other path of your preference or to create a shortcut to the launcher from your desktop, to make easier to start TupiTube.

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