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Debian script to build Tupi

# By xtingray
# Description: This bash script gets the source code of
# Tupi from its GIT repository and builds the
# Debian/Ubuntu packages
# Dependencies:
# * You need to have a valid OpenPGP key installed
# in your account. More info at:
# https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GnuPrivacyGuardHowto
# * You need to install all the Tupi dependencies in
# your system. More info at:
# http://www.maefloresta.com/portal/howCompileTupi


echo ""
echo "Setting a cool environment in a temp directory..."
echo ""
cd $SOURCE/tmp

if [ -d "debian" ]; then
rm -rf debian

mkdir debian
cd debian

echo "Getting the source code from Gitorious or a local place..."
echo ""
cp -r $SOURCE/tupi/sources/tupi .
cd tupi
make distclean
\rm -rf .git
cd ..
echo ""
echo "Making the tarballs required..."
echo ""
mv tupi tupi-0.1
tar cfz tupi_0.1.orig.tar.gz tupi-0.1

echo ""
echo "Building Tupi package..."
echo ""
cd tupi-0.1

echo ""
echo "Building Tupi source package..."
echo ""

rm -rf debian/tupi
make distclean
debuild -S

cd ..
ls -al

echo ""
echo "Debian packaging process: successful! :)"
echo ""
echo "Debian/Ubuntu package of Tupi available from: packages/tupi"
md5sum tupi_0.1-0ubuntu${VERSION}_i386.deb

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