;#; [[developer_resources|Back to Developers Page]] ;#; =====Some tips about video files===== Usually, I have to deal with video files to make some tests, so I have decided to create this space to save all those little tips I need from time to time. ====How to merge many video files together?==== First at all, install mencoder: * sudo apt-get install mencoder The command: * mencoder -oac copy -ovc copy test_1.avi test_2.avi testN.avi -o completeFile.avi ====How to convert an AVI file to FLV?==== I found a great post right here: http://forums.liveleak.com/showthread.php?t=1716 The short version: The command: * ffmpeg -i input.avi -b 2028k -s 640x480 -r 30 -acodec copy output.flv Little explanation: ffmpeg: the program -i input.avi: the input file -b 2028k: the output bitrate -s 640x480: the output resolution -r 30: the output frames per second -acodec copy: the output audio codec output.flv: the output file ====How to extract audio from a video file?==== The command: * ffmpeg -i example.avi -vn -acodec pcm_s16le -ar 44100 -ac 2 example.wav ====How to remove audio from a video file?==== The command: * ffmpeg -i input.flv -an -vcodec copy output.flv Where output.flv is the video without sound. ====How to mix a video with a sound file?==== The command: * ffmpeg -vcodec copy -i images.mpg -i sound.mp3 output.mpg ====Additional tips==== http://www.catswhocode.com/blog/19-ffmpeg-commands-for-all-needs ;#; [[developer_resources|Back to Developers Page]] ;#;