;#; [[basic_manual#News Module|Back to Basic Manual]] ;#; =====News Module===== ====Introduction==== The News Module is our straight communication channel with Tupi's global community directly from the software interface itself. It is mainly composed by three elements: * A reference of our latest Tupi version (with an optional message if you need to update your current installation) * Links to our main social network channels ([[https://facebook.com/tupitube|Facebook]], [[https://twitter.com/maefloresta|Twitter]] and [[https://youtube.com/c/maefloresta|Youtube]]) * An updated copy of our Twitter's account timeline {{ wiki:tupi_news_module.png }} ;#; **Fig 27**. News Module Interface ;#; Well, this is our general review of the Tupi interface. Now, it's the right time to try our [[basic_example|first exercise!]] **Note:** If you are a newbie, don't forget to check the [[[[basic_manual#|annexes]] of this manual. ;#; [[basic_manual#News Module|Back to Basic Manual]] ;#;