;#; [[misc_doc_pt#Diversos Recursos sobre Tupi|Voltar à Página Anterior]] ;#; =====Manual de Instalação do TupiTube Desk===== **[ Pendente de tradução ]** ====Introdução==== The official repository to download TupiTube's installers is [[http://tupitube.com/downloads]]. Currently, there are installers available for Windows, Mac and Linux. ====Para usuários de Windows==== * **1.** Visit our [[http://tupitube.com/downloads|Downloads page]], and click the button "**Download TupiTube Desk**". * **2.** Save the installer called **tupitube_XXX_windows.exe** in your computer. * **3.** Double click on the installer and click on the **Run** button from the wizard dialog. {{ wiki:tupi_windows_run_installer.png }} * **4.** Click on the **Install** button from the wizard dialog. {{ wiki:tupi_windows_wizard1.png }} When the installation process starts, you will see a progress bar like this: {{ wiki:tupi_windows_wizard2.png }} * **5.** Click on the **Finish** button from the wizard dialog. {{ wiki:tupi_windows_wizard3.png }} * **6.** Look for TupiTube launcher at **All Programs** -> **TupiTube** -> **TupiTube Desk** and start creating your first 2D animation project! :) {{ wiki:tupi_windows_launcher.png }} ----- ====Para usuários de Mac OSX==== * **1.** Visit our [[http://tupitube.com/downloads|Downloads page]], and click the button "**Download TupiTube Desk**". * **2.** Save the installer called **tupitube-XXX.dmg** in your computer. * **3.** Double click on the installer. A window with Tupi's icon will show up. {{ wiki:tupi_mac_window.png }} * **4.** Open a **Finder** window and pick the **Applications** item. Drag the Tupi icon inside the **Finder** window. {{ wiki:tupi_mac_drag_installer.png }} That's it. From now, you could find TupiTube in your **Applications** folder and start creating your first 2D animation project! :) {{ wiki:tupi_mac_installed.png }} ----- ====Para usuários de Ubuntu Linux==== **Note:** Currently, there are no official Ubuntu installers of Tupi's latest version. **MaeFloresta** provides a bundle installer easy to use but it is not a **.deb** package. If you use a Linux distro that is not Debian based, we recommend you to compile TupiTube from the source code using one of [[http://www.tupitube.com/wiki|our manuals]]. * **1.** Visit our [[http://tupitube.com/downloads|Downloads page]], and click the button "**Download TupiTube Desk**". * **2.** If your system is 32bit, save the installer called **tupitubeXXX_linux_x86.sh** in your computer. Otherwise, download the file called **tupitubeXXX_linux_x64.sh**. * **3.** Ensure execution permissions to the installer using the command **chmod**. {{ wiki:tupi_linux_console01.png }} * **4.** Execute the installer from console. **Note:** The installation script will ask for your user password to install some video-format dependencies. {{ wiki:tupi_linux_console02.png }} * **5.** A new directory will be created with the name *tupitube_XXX*. Get in it and execute the Tupi launcher and start making your first 2D animation project! :) {{ wiki:tupi_linux_console03.png }} **Note:** You can move TupiTube's installation directory to any other path of your preference or to create a shortcut to the launcher from your desktop, to make easier to start TupiTube. ----- ;#; [[misc_doc_pt#Diversos Recursos sobre Tupi|Voltar à Página Anterior]] ;#;