====Chinese App Translation===== * Border Brush * Current border color is transparent. Please, pick a border color to enable this tab. * Fill Brush * Current fill color is transparent. Please, pick a fill color to enable this tab. * Rendering... * Border Color * Fill Color * Background Color * Border * Fill * Bg Color * Transparent Border * Transparent Fill * Alpha: * My Projects * Loading Projects... * Help * About TupiTube * Show this help dialog * Open tools dialog * Back one frame * Add new frame forward * Play animation * Stop animation * Open frame tools * Erase line * Redo line * Change pen color * Change thickness pen * Change pen opacity * Change pen brush pattern * Projects gallery * Post your work * Modify app settings * Show exit options * Undo action * Redo action * Create and share animations easily with TupiTube. Available on Google Play. * My Animation * #tupitube #tupi2d #animation * Help * Frame Tools * Eraser * Redo * Colors * Pen Thickness * Transparency * Brushes * Previous Frame * Next Frame * Projects * Share * Play * Settings * Quit * Title: * Tags: * Description: * My Image * #tupitube #tupi2d #drawing * Sorry, project can't be opened :( * Previous project saved & stored! :) * Please, draw something first! ;) * Sorry! Invalid answer from TupiTube! * Your work is already online! :D * My newest 2D animation is available at #TupiTube! :D * Sorry, border color is transparent. * Removing latest object... * Restoring removed object... * My Sketch * Stop * Animation Tip: Draw at least 2 frames! ;) * Wow! TupiTube service is down! :( * Border Properties * Fill Properties * Transparency: * Please confirm... * You are one click away from posting your work. Want to do it? * Always ask me before posting * Always ask me * Cancel * Posting... * Quit? * Back to project * Clear current frame * Start new project * Save & start new project * Quit TupiTube * Removing Project... * Are you sure? * General * Canvas * Brush * TupiTube Settings * Confirm action before posting * Confirm post * Always open TupiTube link after posting * Speed (FPS): * Show previous frame in canvas * Show next frame in canvas * Show previous frame * Show next frame * Auto-Smoothness Level: * Thickness: * Help * Frames * Eraser * Redo * Color * Thickness * Transparency * Brushes * Share * Projects * Settings * Close * Frame Tools * Insert new frame * Clone current frame * Remove current frame * Clear current frame